Greetings HK WTE Sisters & Brothers,
Thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey.
The date is now confirmed for our next
Walk to Emmaus
Community Gathering
Saturday, 18 September, 2021
6:00PM to 8:00 PM
We ask that you please click the button below to confirm your attendance so that we can make appropriate arrangements.
Please bring your friends and family. Community Gatherings are open to all, including those who have not (yet!) experienced their own Walk to Emmaus.
Our venue will be:
Methodist International Church
Wesleyan House, 271 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai.
Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot share in food to fill your tummy, but the fellowship, prayer and community worship service will surely fill your soul!!
We look forward to hearing from you, and more importantly, to seeing you face-to-face very soon!!
Blessings and De Colores,
Your HK WTE Board and Steering Committee