Men’s WTE Retreat #84: May 15-18, 2025

February 8, 2025 in Community, Men's Walks

We are very pleased to announce that our next Men’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat #84 will be held May 15-18, 2025 (Thursday evening-Sunday afternoon).

How to Join!

The retreat will be held at:

Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre
33 To Fong Shan Road
Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Watch this space for further details about our next Women’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat!

Scholarship Fundraising Appeal From Hong Kong Walk to Emmaus

February 8, 2025 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

Dear WTE 4th Day Pilgrim,

We thank God for the opportunity to restart all of our Hong Kong WTE events. Having recently held the best walk ever for the Women, we now eagerly await the Men’s Walk WTE #84, which will be held 15-18 May, 2025.

With ever increasing costs in Hong Kong, we are finding that there are both team members and pilgrims who need financial help to be able to attend the walk.

As a community, we are confident that we would not want finances to be a reason to limit someone from joining the walk. In the past, we have informally asked sponsors to help with this, but we also do not want such a financial burden to deter anyone from sponsoring a new pilgrim in our community.

The WTE Board would like to give our community the opportunity to help others in this way and to help support our renewed season in Hong Kong.  Therefore, we are asking for your generosity through donations to support scholarships for WTE #84 and future walks.

Each scholarship will provide a 50% reduction in the WTE fees for those whom the Board and its delegates find eligible to receive them, such as those experiencing financial hardships, those in full time Christian ministry, and NGO workers.

We may periodically ask for donations to top up the fund, which will be managed by the WTE Board and its delegates.

If you are able, would you consider giving a small contribution in order to help someone else have the experience of the Walk that you have already had?  A donation of HK$1,100 will currently provide one Pilgrim scholarship, but any amount is welcomed and would be most helpful.

Give Now With Our Thanks!

Together, we can pay it forward and help others experience the beauty of the HK Walk to Emmaus community.

Thank you in advance for your support for this important mission!

Blessings and De Colores!

Your Hong Kong WTE Board

WTE Community Gathering, 12 July, 2024

June 28, 2024 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

Greetings HK WTE Sisters & Brothers,

Please join the HK Emmaus Community at our upcoming Community Gathering for a night of fellowship, praise and worship, food and sharing.

This will be our second gathering of 2024 and it is shaping up to be a great evening.

Walk to Emmaus
Community Gathering


Friday, 12 July, 2024


6:00PM to 9:00 PM

Schedule of Events:

Community Gathering and Fellowship,
Pot-Luck Dinner
Updates on WTE Activities in Hong Kong

Community Gatherings are open to all, including those who have not (yet!) experienced their own Walk to Emmaus.

Invite prospective pilgrims and supportive spouses/friends – all are welcome!

We ask that you please complete the RSVP form below to confirm your attendance so that we can make appropriate arrangements.  Our venue will be:

Union Church

1/F Fellowship Hall
22A Kennedy Road

Please RSVP for the WTE Community Gathering on 12 July, 2024

Please confirm your attendance at our next Walk to Emmaus Community Gathering. We will gather from 6:00PM to 9:00 PM on July 12, 2024, at Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-levels.

Contact Details and Guests

Please share with us your contact details as well as the number and names of any additional guests that you expect to accompany you. Bring your friends and family! As a reminder, Community Gatherings are open to all, even if they have not (yet) experienced their own Walk to Emmaus.
Please include yourself in the Guest count!

Blessings and De Colores!

We look forward to receiving your RSVP, and more importantly, to seeing you face-to-face very soon!!

Blessings and De Colores,
Your HK WTE Board and Steering Committee

WTE Community Gathering, 3 June, 2023

May 25, 2023 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

Greetings HK WTE Sisters & Brothers,

Please join the HK Emmaus Community at our upcoming Community Gathering for a night of fellowship, praise and worship, food and sharing.

This will be our first post-covid gathering and it is shaping up to be a great evening. Come help us to celebrate our recent Men’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat #82, which was a tremendous success!

Walk to Emmaus
Community Gathering


Saturday, 3 June 2023


6:00PM to 9:00 PM

Schedule of Events:

6:00PM (5th Floor): Community Gathering and Fellowship,
followed by Pot-Luck Dinner

7:15PM (Sky Chapel)Worship, Fourth Day Talk, and Community Communion Service 

Community Gatherings are open to all, including those who have not (yet!) experienced their own Walk to Emmaus.
Please invite prospective pilgrims and supportive spouses/friends – all are welcome!

We ask that you please click the button below to confirm your attendance so that we can make appropriate arrangements.


Our venue will be:

Methodist International Church

Wesleyan House, 271 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai.

We look forward to receiving your RSVP, and more importantly, to seeing you face-to-face very soon!!

Blessings and De Colores,
Your HK WTE Board and Steering Committee

Men’s WTE Retreat: April 20-23, 2023

February 26, 2023 in Community, Men's Walks

We are very pleased to announce that our next Men’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat #82 will be held April 20-23, 2023 (Thursday evening-Sunday afternoon).

How to Join!

The retreat will be held at:

Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre
33 Tao Fong Shan Road
Sha Tin, Hong Kong

Watch this space for further details about our next Women’s Walk to Emmaus Retreat!

In Loving Memory of Dr. Hans Schrader

September 28, 2022 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

The Hong Kong Walk to Emmaus Community mourns the passing of our beloved brother in Christ, friend, and fellow traveler, Dr. Hans Schrader, who passed from this world on 3 July, 2022, survived by his wife, Pascale Schrader-Litmaath, and four children, Christopher, Nicholas, Benjamin, and Fleur.

May his soul, through the grace of God, rest in peace.

Please join the Hong Kong community in a Memorial Mass on 15 October, 2022 at 10:00AM.

St. Joseph’s Church
37 Garden Road, Hong Kong
10:00 AM on Saturday, 15th October 2022

WTE Community Gathering, 18 September, 2021

August 1, 2021 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

Greetings HK WTE Sisters & Brothers,

Thank you to everyone who completed our recent survey.

The date is now confirmed for our next

Walk to Emmaus
Community Gathering


Saturday, 18 September, 2021


6:00PM to 8:00 PM

We ask that you please click the button below to confirm your attendance so that we can make appropriate arrangements.

Please bring your friends and family. Community Gatherings are open to all, including those who have not (yet!) experienced their own Walk to Emmaus.


Our venue will be:

Methodist International Church

Wesleyan House, 271 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai.

Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot share in food to fill your tummy, but the fellowship, prayer and community worship service will surely fill your soul!!

We look forward to hearing from you, and more importantly, to seeing you face-to-face very soon!!

Blessings and De Colores,
Your HK WTE Board and Steering Committee

In Loving Memory of Charles Lee Schmitt

April 27, 2021 in Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

The Hong Kong Walk to Emmaus Community mourns the passing of our beloved brother in Christ, friend, and confidant, Charles Lee Schmitt, who died at North Lantau Hospital on Thursday, March 4th due to complications of a Chordoma Tumor.

Born April 19, 1945, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Hospital in Kittery, Maine, USA, curly-haired ‘Smitty’ enjoyed life as an only child and was not impressed to learn his little brother had been born. The disgruntled four-year-old’s efforts to run away were thwarted by the fact that he wasn’t allowed to cross the street by himself, so he came home, and within weeks, Howie became the first of Charles’ many close friends.

After graduating from Pattonville High School in Maryland Heights, Missouri, Smitty became Chuck and earned a BA in English from the University of Missouri. He loved books and art, and almost pursued a career in art history, however Chuck headed to Georgetown, in Washington DC, for an MSc in Economics. He received his last degree, an MBA in Finance from New York University, while working full time on Wall Street. Thankfully, all that academia was balanced with great times with friends.

His friend, Ted, recalls:

Chuck was more than a social guy. He had an instinct for hospitality that put people at ease, inspired adventures, and energized lethargic weekend afternoons. And everyone was welcome.

Chuck loved throwing dinner parties, wending his way through art museums, attending orchestral recitals, and plotting pranks. His blind date advertisement that went entertainingly amiss stands out as one of his best efforts. His friends, aware of Charles’ red and green colour-blindness, were quick to exact revenge.

Albert N remembers….

Chuck’s youthful friends delighted in switching around his color-coded socks and neckties. 

According to son Nicholas, Charles considered marrying Bronwyn Alexander one of the greatest achievements of his life.

He was right.

In 1989, the two wed and moved to Manila, The Philippines, for Bronwyn’s work. With his new, mature married man status, Chuck became Charles. The couple relocated to Hong Kong in 1990, where Charles worked as a senior consultant for a capital market consultancy. They lived on Lower Kennedy Road, and started attending a nearby church. Despite being a two-minute walk from church, the twosome were typically 10 minutes late each Sunday, but they loved their new church family and Union Church loved them in return. And it still does.

In 1993, when now 28-year-old Nicholas was one year old, the family relocated to Discovery Bay.  Often called Delivery Bay, Drew, who is now 26 and 23-year-old Mariel joined the family shortly after. Charles dedicated the next years to his company, CSAL, during the day, and evenings and weekends to running the BBQ, playing hide and seek with the kids when he got home from work, attending DB Dragons soccer tournaments, reading in ‘his’; chair, playing (and watching) tennis with the kids, and being the ones the kids would go to for something when they knew that mom would say ‘no’.  Charles also developed a diverse repertoire of ways to embarrass the kids – cheesy dad jokes and “weird 70’s dances” topping the list.

In 2006, Charles was found guilty of false accounting. He served several years in prison in Hong Kong. While it was a painful time, it was in fact, a period of remorse, repentance and restoration through the love of community in Hong Kong and family and friends abroad. Charles corresponded with many during this time and all recall his beautiful handwriting and way with words.

His children remember his joy at seeing them when they would come to visit. He helped his fellow inmates by sharing his food, writing letters to their families, or helping draft their legal documents. He also led Bible studies and became a remote learner with the University of London. Friends kept him exceptionally well-stocked in excellent books. It was during these years that Charles came to believe that ‘we’re all imprisoned by something’.

In a talk, Charles shared:

In prison I had no worldly or financial resources, but God showed me that this was an opportunity to draw closer to Him. I discovered the emptier that I was, and I was very empty, the more God could fill me with His grace and Holy Spirit. I began to understand the meaning of the Bible verse which is now my favourite: In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Jesus tells Paul and us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Charles went on to speak this powerful message to the church youth group, in testimonies, at men’s lunches and in daily conversations for the remainder of his life.

Oldest son Nicholas states:

Dad knew what mattered in life — God, his family, his church, social justice, and his own peace — and he pursued these ends with calm conviction.

After his release, Charles allowed the caring and generous part of his character to guide his life, being an active part of many social justice and caring organisations: at Union Church he was part of the prison ministry team, and the Families in Need committee and represented Union at the city-wide Refugee Ministry Group. Charles was also a long term, faithful member of the Walk to Emmaus Community. At his Monday morning group, Charles showed his deepening faith and shared both his joys and his challenges and provided inspirational support to the other members of the group.

Andy, a fellow member and a very close friend of Charles’ recalls:

Charles was always ready to listen – his gentle and calm support for his fellow group members was an inspiration to all of us and his wry humour was always present even in the most trying circumstances. Ever the teacher at heart he never did get me to understand American Football .

As a tutor, students and adults alike were blessed by Charles’ quick mind, insights, diligence and desire to listen and help. Charles was a man who never judged books by the cover. He knew there can be so much depth beyond the first impressions. The outward appearance may be introspective and seemingly not ‘powerful’, but Charles would listen and wait for the story. He was a man who had time for everyone.

Charles is survived by his family – wife Bronwyn, children Nicholas and his partner Kate, Drew and his partner Ariana, and Mariel and her partner Sammy, Charles’ brother Howard and Howard’s wife Diana. Mia the cat also deserves mention for the hours she spent observing and purring in the sunlight while Charles tutored students online.

Charles is also considered family by many friends and organisations that love and will mourn their dear friend and advocate deeply.

To close, some final words from Charles:

God has used even a sinner like me to show how He can turn a bad situation into good, and how He has helped me pass on His love and the grace I’ve received to others. 

God did turn that bad situation into good and so did Charles. His love and ability to look beyond the cover was an example to us all. Charles, you will be dearly missed and always remembered.

In Loving Memory of Thomas John Young

September 28, 2020 in Agape, Community, Men's Walks, Women's Walks

The Hong Kong WTE community mourns the passing of Thomas John Young, our dear brother in Christ and fellow traveller on the Walk to Emmaus.

On September 7, 2020, Tom, loving husband of Jennifer and father of Lauren, Connor and Liam, passed away at age 54 in Hong Kong due to complications from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Born February 26, 1966 in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, Tom grew up with hockey sticks and baseball gloves in his hands and jokes on his lips, not always to the delight of his teachers. After graduating from Assumption High School, Tom embraced his maritime roots and headed to St Mary’s University in Halifax, where he majored in Business. After graduating, Tom decided Business could wait…he would travel for a year, and then return to Canada. He made it to two countries before landing and falling in love with Hong Kong in 1991. After meeting and falling in love with Jennifer Leung, Tom knew his Hong Kong would be his second home and busied himself getting involved in the community. Tom was an active member of the Hong Kong Softball and Ice-hockey leagues in the 1990s and 2000’s, and was an enthusiastic field hockey player from his mid-30’s to his early 50’s. He was an integral part of the Hong Kong Walk to Emmaus Community. The devoted dad was a parent coach at the HK Football Club when the children were in the mini-rugby program and followed them into Colts to manage one of the girl’s teams for a few seasons.

Tom loved deeply.  First and foremost, Tom loved his family and was proud of their achievements, personalities, and hobbies. Lauren, 18, will follow in her dad’s footsteps to attend St. Mary’s University next Fall, where she is looking forward to contributing her rugby skills to the Varsity Team.  She will no doubt hear Tom’s voice on the sideline pushing her to tackle and ruck and get the other girls!  Connor (17) and Liam (14) are also heavily involved with sports including rugby and football at the club and school, where both play hard and fierce like their Dad.  Friends were a close second: Tom had a close Hong Kong family, who were privy not only to his spectacular BBQ’s, but his trial recipes, jokes, bear hugs and frank advice. His lifelong love of sports never wavered, particularly if his team won the game!  But once the final buzzer went, Tom was the first to shake the opponent’s hands and offer them a beer. His laugh was infectious, particularly when he was in the middle of telling a story and dissolved into giggles.

Tom will also be remembered for his generosity. His big smile was matched with his big heart and he was generous with sharing what he had with everyone around him and reaching out to those in need. He donated food to church parishioners every Christmas. Christmas was also the time when Tom would annually invite children from Po Leung Kuk orphanage to share in the famous Young Family Holiday Feast.

In all his years in Hong Kong, Tom only missed one Rugby 7’s. Especially after starting Young’s Market in 2004, Tom became legendary for the food and drink he was bringing into the stands. While other people had their water bottles confiscated, Tom was shoving bags of Sangria (complete with cut up fruit) into the shoe compartments of his kids backpacks. Bagels and lox, smoked pulled pork wraps with coleslaw, BBQ ribs and even oysters still in their shells…Tom’s buffet helped console the Canucks in the crowd and ensured a steady stream of friends came to visit and say hello.

In May 2019, some troubling symptoms started to manifest in Tom’s left hand.  Following a few months of inconclusive tests and growing suspicions, Tom was diagnosed with ALS. Not knowing how quickly his condition would deteriorate, he took every opportunity to enjoy life with his family and friends: he visited London for the first time in October, opened his home to the annual Christmas gathering, and excitedly prepared for his role as the Lay Director to the subsequently-cancelled April Walk to Emmaus.  Friends would drop in to offer their support and catch up on old-times.  By May 2020, although Tom’s mobility had become seriously challenged, he still attended Lauren’s High School graduation.  In June, Tom attended his last party, surrounded by his beloved Hong Kong ‘Family’.  Shortly afterwards, he was admitted to Prince of Wales Hospital, where he spent the majority of the summer.  Tom’s family was at his side as he left this world.

Tom is survived by his mother Marie O’Toole Young, brother Lawrence (Larry) Joseph Young Jr, wife Jennifer, and children Lauren, Connor and Liam. He is predeceased by his father, Lawrence Joseph Young, Sr.

A celebration of Tom’s life will be held at St. Benedict’s Church in Shatin, on September 29, 2020 at 10am.

In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations to:

Remember Tom by carrying on his legacy.  Give a stranger a smile.  Reach out to people who need help.  Be a friend.  Challenge that referee or umpire.  BBQ those ribs.  Play a sport.  Tell a joke.  Cheer for the Habs.  Laugh loud.  Love God and your family, and cherish your life.