Introducing The Walk to emmaus in Hong Kong
The Walk is about...
dThe Walk to Emmaus experience begins with
a unique 72-hour short course in Christianity
that will renew Christian men and women
as disciples of Jesus Christ and
as active members of the body of Christ,
in mission to the world.

A Walk with Christ
St. Luke’s Gospel (24: 13-35) relates the story of the risen Christ appearing to two friends who were going along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. The two were walking together sharing their hearts’ deepest concerns.
The risen Christ joined them and explained the scriptures as they walked—how it was ordained that Christ should suffer and so enter his glory. This experience on the road was a heartwarming experience as the risen Christ walked and talked with them.
The illuminating climax of the experience was when Christ took bread and said the blessing, then broke it and gave it to them. The two had their eyes opened. They recognized him as the risen Christ, and they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples.
What is the Walk to Emmaus?
The story above provides the model for the Walk to Emmaus: a journey of discovery with Jesus Christ.
Like its predecessor, Cursillo de Christiandad ("short course in Christianity"), the Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience that takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle.
It is a highly structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew our faith as Christian people, and, through us, our families, our local churches, our workplaces, and the broader world in which we live.
Emmaus is a combined effort of laity and clergy towards the renewal of the Church.

History of the Walk to Emmaus
Originating in Spain in the late 1940's, the Cursillo de Christiandad ("short course in Christianity") moved to America in the late 1950's. It was primarily a Roman Catholic movement until the 1970's. As Catholic centers started accepting applications from Protestants, efforts began among some groups to make Cursillo available to all Protestants. In the late 1970's, The Upper Room (a unit of the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church) formed the Upper Room Cursillo Community in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1981, by mutual agreement between the National Secretariat of the Roman Catholic Cursillo movement and The Upper Room, The name of the Nashville Protestant community was changed to Emmaus. The Emmaus movement is ecumenical.
The Walk to Emmaus in Hong Kong
Walk to Emmaus was brought to Hong Kong in 1996, to both English-speaking and Cantonese-speaking churches. A team from the USA came to launch Walks 1 and 2. Hong Kong has since that time been blessed with a community committed to help others recognize Jesus in their Christian walk.
The Hong Kong Emmaus community combines both Protestant and Catholic communities and has welcomed hundreds of new members through its weekend retreats. The community sponsors two Men's Walks and two Women's Walks each year in the spring and the fall.
In Hong Kong, the Walk to Emmaus community includes people from more than 160 Christian churches, including many different denominations, who come together in fellowship to deepen their relationship with Christ and with each other. There is so much more that unites us than that divides.
What happens on the
Walk to Emmaus?
The Walk to Emmaus is a unique opportunity to completely step away from day-to-day life and to actively engage in Christian spiritual exploration in separate Men's and Women's retreats. The 72-hour experience takes place in a secluded retreat house in Hong Kong, free of distractions.
15 Talks
The Walk is centered around fifteen talks by lay people and clergy on the themes of God’s grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church. Each speaker has a unique story to tell from their own, very personal, experience.
Prayer and Worship
The course is wrapped in prayer and meditation, special times of worship, and daily celebration of Holy Communion. We gather to be close to God, to listen to His word, to learn from the example of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to praise and worship Him in prayer and song.
Small Group Discussion
Pilgrims on the Walk to Emmaus will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with like-minded Christians who are also seeking answers to some of life's biggest questions. Participants form bonds with their fellow Pilgrims and the Emmaus community that will last well beyond their retreat weekend.
Personal Reflection
The Walk to Emmaus is a structured and engaging experience, but it includes meaningful opportunities for personal self-reflection. No two Pilgrims will ever experience the Walk in the same way! Each Pilgrim brings to the Church a unique set of talents, accomplishments, and interests, and each of us on the Walk is challenged to think critically about our own personal circumstances and our own path to living a more fulfilling life in the image of Jesus Christ.
Active Engagement
The Walk to Emmaus is anything but a passive, silent retreat! Come on the Walk expecting to be fully engaged in an experience that is revealing, fun, and full of singing, laughter, and unexpected surprises. Come with an open mind, and let it happen!
Pilgrims attend the Walk to Emmaus only once. But the Emmaus weekend will also introduce Pilgrims to a vibrant Christian community that is active in churches and communities throughout Hong Kong. For those who seek a greater connection, there will always be ways to stay involved in the community and to share mutual support, encouragement, and accountability.
The Walk to Emmaus is dedicated to empowering each Pilgrim to re-enter life with a renewed appreciation of the abiding presence of God's grace and a renewed commitment to Christian discipleship and servant leadership in his or her own church and community.